Join Women Under the Sun!
We are looking for business professionals, organization leaders, and global Impactors worldwide. From the entertainment industry to sports related fields, higher education facilitators, researchers, inventors, creative thinkers. If you have purpose and are looking to share your expertise and game changer strategies and gifts, look no further. Women Under The Sun wants you! Together we make a difference!
(WUTS) is a predominantly women based group of national professionals and leaders, supporting each other’s aspirations and shared ideas, and sharing the things we love such as art, music, dining, culture, travel, community projects, and organizations to which we are committed.
$150.00 / year
- Directory Placement
- National ZOOM Meet-Ups
- Introducing new members
- Newsletters
- Member presentation opportunities
- International Leadership News Releases
- Members only directory
- WUTS events calendar
- WUTS International Community Liaison engagement opportunities-special guest invitations
Join Now!
$125.00 /yr
- Listed on membership page.
- Advertise on Facebook
- Invitation to all events.
- Goodie Bag Promotion
Use the links below to join!
Small Business
Small Business, Restaurants, and Non-profits.
- A basic ad with a live link.
- Photo shoot. You own photos.
- Invitation to all events.
- Listed on membership page.
Medical and Small Corporate Businesses.
- Your business Ad with description and short editorial with a live link.
- Photo shoot.You own photos.
- Invitation to events. Introduction to your business.Promote your business.
- You supply the promotional items.
- WUTS will promote your business at our events and include your logo in our promotions
- Listed on membership page