Leading... from the Top

Leading... from the Top

October 22, 2022

During the past few years, momentous events (e.g., the pandemic, natural disasters, the George Floyd killing, etc.) have disrupted the traditional structure of US businesses. Dramatic changes in manager/employee power balances, office locations, employee wages/incentives and even currencies being used have benefited some executives, driven some to retirement or new industries, and left others dazed and confused. This conference is designed for experienced and aspiring CEOs and business owners in any field. At this event, The World’s Best Connectors (www.thewbcs.com)  and Arizona State University will provide references, referrals, and resources for to help executive cope with past dramatic changes (and more to come).  Register today (in-person seating includes continental breakfast and lunch): https://thewbcs.tiny.us/2p9pdmas

Scottsdale, Az, and Facebook
Scottsdale, Arizona
United States

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